Friday, December 9, 2016

Self portrait 1

Self-portrait post 1 

For this assignment, we are having to draw a self-portrait with a mechanical pencil. Just like what we did in 8th grade, we have to do the same but with a pencil. I have decided to take on the challenge I've decided to do a second drawing, on different paper. A charcoal drawing of my self-portrait. 

I'm feeling like I'm going to get very frustrated but it'll be worth it in the end after I'm done with both of my drawings. It's going to be a lot of fun and very time consuming but I'm not going to give up. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Charcoal Drawing

Charcoal drawing

For the charcoal drawing we had to use charcoal, no not just black, we had a variety of shades and values of it. From white to black, we had to draw a still life drawing with charcoal and get as much value as we could with it with what charcoal we had. I used my blending cloth a lot to get most of my value with all the objects. I had a white charcoal pencil that I used to get certain objects to have a certain shade or light spots like on the paint holder and the ball. I used the white pencil to put details in, on for instance the skate.

I happened to like this assignment and drawing because it was fun to play wth charcoal and see how you can actually use it, blend it, etc. I like using charcoal better than pencils because you can get much better values and highlights with it. It took awhile but it was worth it in my opinion.